external collections

Internal vs External Collections, Pt 2: Mental Health

Building and maintaining internal collections operations while remaining compliant is no small task. Effective debt collections requires specialized training, personality traits, technology, security measures, expert leadership and compliance. In addition to the expected legal consequences, the potential fallout of inadequate planning, operations and compliance at internal collections departments weighs heavily on the mental health of…

external collections

Internal vs External Collections P1: Compliance Defiance

Using external collections to recover debt is a tried-and-proven method that can deliver extraordinary results. On the other hand, mounting internal campaigns to avoid paying contingency fees is tempting, but the high startup costs and complex compliance requirements generally outweigh the potential savings. Furthermore, just one compliance blunder may result in expensive litigation, regulatory fines,…

credit portfolio managers

Credit Portfolio Managers at 2017 IACPM Conference

The International Association of Credit Portfolio Managers (IACPM) will host the IACPM 2017 Annual Fall Conference November 7 – 8 at The Westin Philadelphia hotel in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. With a recurring attendance rate of over 250 senior risk portfolio management professionals representing firms across the globe, IACPM’s annual event is the largest meeting of credit…

risk management professionals

RMA Conference for Risk Management Professionals

Risk management professionals will “prepare for tomorrow” with specialized sessions, interactive workshops and professional network-building events at the 2017 Annual Risk Management Conference this winter. Hosted by the Risk Management Association (RMA), professionals at all career levels are welcome to attend. The 2017 conference will focus on key issues currently affecting the financial services industry…