The world’s never been more connected, so it makes sense that you want to tap into the web that keeps us together when you need to pursue debt recovery. The neon blinking sign of the social media network never turns off, never closes, never locks. It may seem like a no-brainer to push your quest for late payers and delinquent customers out to Facebook, Twitter, and other sites. But before you do, consider a few DON’Ts.
It’s All in a Name
Even if you plan to keep everything you do on social media confidential or limited to a small network, you still have to register your account and choose a name. This name is public and may end up on search lists and gets attached to everything you do. So, monikers such as “IKILLDEBTORS,” “HELLOKITTYISMYCOPILOT,” or “COPSHATEME” aren’t going to help your professional image too much. You want the people you’re working with to respect you, and that may include law enforcement, professors, and company executives who hold information about the people you’re trying to collect from. Use your company name, where possible, or a last name, or something that doesn’t have negative associations.
Put Down the Megaphone
A large part of one of our debt collection techniques, skip tracing, is done online. We search records, check social media posts, and basically become a virtual bounty hunter. What we look for is traces people have publicly left of themselves. Therefore, when you’re doing the hunting, we advise you against putting your actions on blast. Don’t make your Facebook status “Searching for any information on XYZ.” All the target has to do is see that and he’ll go further into hiding. Same goes with Tweeting. Yes, a Tweet may only be 140 characters, but it’s enough room to completely make your trail run cold. It doesn’t mean you have to stop using these outlets; in fact, they’ll continue to be very helpful to you. Just remember what you’re using them for – to find someone – so keep your actions quiet.
Pause for Privacy
While HIPAA privacy laws affect only those in the medical industries, other potential privacy pitfalls populate the social media-sphere. It may be a little too easy for a counselor to want to vent or unload after a long day – after all, the screen is faceless and typing away at those keys can be very cathartic. But doctor-patient privilege isn’t canceled by the Internet, and you may find your small practice in large troubles when you post private issues publicly. Social media can really be a minefield rife with violations related to the law or simply to someone’s feelings.
Back Away from the Computer
Life isn’t a game of World of Warcraft. You have to step away from the monitor at some point and get back to the real world. This means paying bills, feeding yourself, spending time with the family. You can’t pursue debt recovery 24/7 yourself, even if your mobile phone is configured to receive social media updates at all hours of the day. Take a break, take a day off, take your weekends back, take a vacation no less. That’s where a debt collections company can help. You don’t have to give up on revenue recovery. You’re adding a team to help you get there even faster, and more efficiently. The debt collection company will help you maximize revenue with options such as collection calls, a collection letter personalized with your business information, and written demands. In a world of don’ts, finding a diplomatic, successful profit recovery agency is a DO.
We’re not saying to give up social media. Heck, we’re on it! (Please be sure to friend, follow, link to us, etc… and we’ll do the same) Feel free to share your social media info below and while you’re here, snap up our free gift – invest a few minutes and download our guide to choosing a collection agency!