risk managemnet professionals

RMA: A Safe Bet for Risk Management Professionals

Founded with the sole purpose of advancing “sound risk management principles to improve institutional performance and financial stability,” the Risk Management Association (RMA) actively promotes and provides continuing education and professional development to professionals within the financial services industry. The not-for-profit, member-driven professional association is comprised of 2,500 institutional members (banking and non-financial bank institutions)…

debt collection agency

When to Give Up on Your Debt Collection Agency

Businesses that employ a top performing debt collection agency receive time, resource and cost savings benefits as well as a favorable return on investment. Those in contract with an underperforming agency can experience less than optimal collection results and run the risk of detrimental data security breaches and or strained customer relations. To keep operations running smoothly…


HFMA Producing Healthcare Industry Leaders

The Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) builds bridges between healthcare professionals and the financial aspect of the industry. HFMA’s goal is to establish a fiscally healthy industry, providing knowledge, education and resources for healthcare professionals to advance their careers and garner leadership tools via a Continuing Professional Education (CPE) program. The HFMA website includes forums…

telecommunications debt

Collections for Telecommunications Debt

An estimated 37 percent of U.S. consumers carry telecommunications debt states “Consumer Experiences with Debt Collection,” a report by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Published January 2017, the findings were released after reviewing data compiled December 2014 to March 2015. Large debt has been an industry liability since the boom years of the late 1990s,…
